Commission OPEN!
Current slots 目前排單:0/5
(I'll work on the above slots asap! 我會儘量早點完成以上委託的!

=Terms of Service=
◆General Info 嘮叨◆
The Artist:
• is nice to you if you treat me nice.
• reserves the right to refuse a commission request.
• reserves the right to decline a commission.
• refuses to get scammed, please.
• Commissions works are for [ personal ] use only.
• Commercial use work charges an extra fee.
• suggests FCFS (First Come, First Serve)
◆Extras 額外需求◆
• For additional CHARACTERS, each cost 50% of the initial price.
• For additional PROPS and BACKGROUNDS, an extra fee might be added depending on the complexity.
• Any changes after the complete work is sent cost GBP 1 per change.
-任何完稿後的變更都會收取 GBP 1 作更改費用。
◆Payments 付款◆
• GBP (default) / HKD
•Full payment upfront (default)/ Partial payment
• Paypal/ AlipayHK/ KO-Fi/ Bank transfer
-默認單位為英鎊 GBP
-默認全款支付/ 支持先付定金(50%)後補尾款
◆Refund 退款◆
• No refund or cancellation once the WIP/draft is set.
• Partial refund only (10%) if the client cancels before the artist starts working.
• A full refund will be given if the artist/client appears to be dead or cannot start the commission.
◆Process 過程◆
• When the payment is done, I'll start working on the rough sketch. Feel free to change anything.
• Once the sketch is approved, there're 24 hours for any changes.
• Lineart and colouring will start after sketch approval, any overhaul is not recommended cuz I'll be sadge.
Small changes are acceptable.
• Feel free to ask for progress ( I'll send if I have any progress)
• Completed work will be sent in .png format or any other format.