Commission OPEN!
Current slots 目前排單:0/5
(I'll work on the above slots asap! 我會儘量早點完成以上委託的!

Prices will never follow exactly like the list, it changes depending on complexity.

✦Headshots 大頭貼✦
Sketch/ Lineart 草圖/線稿
GBP 9 -
Flat-Colour 不細化上色
GBP 13 -
Rendered 細化上色
GBP 22
default background: Transparent/ flat colour
默認背景:透明/ 單色
detailed background 細化背景 + GBP 3

✦Full-Body 全身✦
Sketch/ Lineart 草圖/線稿
GBP 17 -
Flat-Colour 不細化上色
GBP 33 -
Rendered 細化上色
GBP 45
default background: Transparent/ flat colour
默認背景:透明/ 單色
detailed background 細化背景 + GBP 6
✦Half-body/ Thigh-up 半身/大腿以上✦
Sketch/ Lineart 草圖/線稿
GBP 13 -
Flat-Colour 不細化上色
GBP 17 -
Rendered 細化上色
GBP 27 -
default background: Transparent/ flat colour
默認背景:透明/ 單色
detailed background 細化背景 + GBP 4

✦Not Chibi 不Q✦
Sketch/ Lineart 草圖/線稿
GBP 13 -
Flat-Colour 不細化上色
GBP 17 -
Rendered 細化上色
GBP 27 -
default background: Transparent/ flat colour
默認背景:透明/ 單色
detailed background 細化背景 + GBP 4
✦Chibi Q版✦
Sketch/ Lineart 草圖/線稿
GBP 16 -
Flat-Colour 不細化上色
GBP 22 -
Rendered 細化上色
GBP 29
default background: Transparent/ flat colour
默認背景:透明/ 單色
detailed background 細化背景 + GBP 4

◆Extras 額外需求◆
• For additional CHARACTERS, each cost 50% of the initial price.
• For additional PROPS and BACKGROUNDS, an extra fee might be added depending on the complexity.
• Any changes after the complete work is sent cost $5 per change.
-任何完稿後的變更都會收取 GBP 1 作更改